International Alpine EEG winter course
bis 28. Februar 2024 - 12:00 Uhr
Weitere Infos
The course is aimed at training neurologists and neuropaediatricians. In addition to intensive training in EEG and case discussions, there will be time for joint skiing to promote networking among young colleagues across national borders. The courses will be held in English.
Event organization
Prof. Dr. Susanne Knake
University Hospital Marburg
Prof. Dr. Katja Menzler,
University Hospital Marburg
Organized by
Otto Loewi Stiftung e.V., Verein zur Förderung von Forschung, Therapie und Ausbildung in der Neurologie
Registration fee
The fee includes accommodation, meals, lectures, and certificates.
- Triple or quadruple rooms: 650 EUR
- Twin rooms: 800 EUR
Certified by the DGKN with a total of 15 EEG-credit-points:
- 26.02.2024: 6 FBA-Credits for EEG,
- 27.02.2024: 6 FBA-Credits for EEG,
- 28.02.2024: 3 FBA-Credits for EEG.
In addition, the course was certified as a skills lab by the DGN. The DGfE has certified the course with 12 training points. Credits of the LÄKH have been applied for.
6992 Hirschegg